Tuesday, December 31, 2019


I am pushed to a corner
I crash and crumble.
I clamber, and
pick and own myself yet again
I charge myself and grow
an appetite for destruction
I contemplate and finally settle
for Departure
as a means to avenge
the attempts to inflict harm
on my esteem and stature.

But no...
I decide to deviate.

I take stock
and check on my composure.

I sit with my grief, and
pore over a complicated pattern
to color its sting on paper.
A few hours pass through,
but there's nothing but failure.

I drench myself
with music on loop
Thinking that its cheer
would reverse my gloom, and
I only end up discoloring it.

In vain, I try all means to
squelch the burning rage
and simmer it down...
Until it translates itself
into these words.

Sunday, December 22, 2019


When the numbers sprouted,
did you all not try to convene
and talk about a revolt
against this insanity and greed?

Or, was it that
you happened to feel
the need to love your captor?

I know...
You squirmed and dodged
when they were boring you.
But then, they had the final say.
After it was all done,
they were trying to drain you
at a really rapid pace.
Now, that you were never used to...

You were even fine to serve them
as long as they went slow on you.

But then,
those inhuman things!


Your thoughts, dear water?
The one whose seeds are above
And roots below!

Sunday, December 01, 2019

The RainTree

What can those tiny drops 
do to you, you wonder...
Those that lived on the edge
and remained on the brink, of the 
myriad leaves of a raintree?

After the scheming invisible rain 
added enough dope
to the ready-to-shoot drops,
One by one, 
they darted towards me... 
The me, lying supine 
under the gigantic raintree.

Imagine those sparkly silver bullets,
Falling with force, and
Growing in size as they dropped!
The ominous steel-grey blobs, 
I thought, 
were going to pierce through me.

But then, here's all they did...

In succession, 
they splashed on my face, and
on the pathway's icy railings.

They caught me unawares, and
Shattered my resolve to dodge
Sprinkling euphoria on me.