Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fan in Four

Of the things that I hate the most 
tell me about 
the whirling fan in four... 
of the monstrous whooshing noise, 
and of its mechanised gusty air.

But then, when there are 
these weightless bloodsuckers 
hanging around 
like they are on a vacation 
with free food 
on the mercy of your tired legs
while you are working like a maniac...

Just imagine what comfort it is
on a sultry night, after a long day 
to just hang up your feet 
at the edge of your working table
letting them nod to the music, that 
the snug-fit earplugs deliver to your ears,
and with a good book in your hand... 

Now, you savour the satanic pleasure, of 
seeing the parasites suffer from starvation 
from the corner of your eyes...!

High-five to...
The fan, in speed four!

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