Tuesday, February 07, 2006

little things...

you are completely hard-pressed for time, but still manage to succumb to your urge to write, wanting to drink an amazing cuppa even if the burns are still hurting your tongue well past two days since your last sip, wary of the staircase that tumbled you, but still enthusiastically perform acrobatics on the same fleet of stairs the next day, knowing that you are gonna be badly hurt because of another helping of a cup of custard, but still venturing for another one, rubbing your tongue against the upper jaw acknowledging the numbness created by the betel leaf that you munched in a wedding, you know you are too tired and it is almost brunch time, but you still over-workout yourself for that extra serving of custard you had last night, you are traveling a long distance bus journey. and you are irritated by the discomfort it may cause due to loss of sleep. and all of a sudden you wake up and feel happy to realise that you have been sleeping all along, ...and so runs the list in the recharge package.


Meera said...

last one is a classic.

Anonymous said...

I can see you are having a custard time in Bangi! :) Yea, invincible time, but invincible energy too!

reNUka said...

hey meera! :-) tx!

hi nithya, :-)

Amrita said...

hmmm, guess i have visited ur blog b4, cant remember when.

reNUka said...

welcome home, amrita! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi…I’m Roy, just start the journey in the blog-world. New..... so learning the tricks by peeping in others blog without any prior permission (sorry for that!!).

Nice poems..each & everyone..very nice!!

Heii, why not take a look to my blog: (http://comeonroy.blogspot.com/) & tell me where I need to improve. Most important, maybe you can also get something new & interesting stuff…..maybe!!
Hoping to hear you..

reNUka said...

welcome home roy! :-)
will chk out ur blog soon...