Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Why that fury, dear rain?
Is this some kind of an uprising?

Are you charged up against someone?
Were you stopped from discharging your duties?

Must we be the ones to bear your wrath?
Would we be able to bear your outbursts?

Are you the same gentle one who weeps so silently?

Are you mirroring the rudeness we bestow on the earth? 
Are you giving us a taste of our own medicine?

Or, are you just going through a phase, 
like me?

And, I wonder...
how you do this to me, 
Every single time you pour?


Anonymous said...

Happen to bump into your blog and now I am a fan!

reNUka said...

Thank you! :-)

Balaji Srinivasan said...

Like John Lennon said, "Rain, I don't mind" :-)
Good one :)

reNUka said...

Hey man! Where were you? I was browsing through my earlier posts and was wondering what really happened to you. How have you been...? Just saw ur note about VSOP on your blog... :D And... don't make 2015 a hat trick year of writing at the speed of 'a post a year'.