Saturday, November 26, 2005

Hope, Dream and Sleep

Hope is the dream of the waking man
Dream is the hope of the sleeping man
Sleep is the dream of the working man

Such an amazing quote!! I was stunned when I saw this yesterday, at my client's office. In fact, stunned is not the word. I am still being captivated and amazed by it. It is a beauty! Would surely rate it somewhere close to Separation by Merwin.

I had googled to find who the author was. Seems like it is an anonymous quote except for the first line of the quote.

The first line of the quote is by Aristotle.


Vijay said...

That surely is a good statement :)

Meera said...

you really should blog more often...

reNUka said...

hey vijay! welcome home after a long time! glad u liked the quote.

hi meera,
yeah... i wish i could. :-(

Prabhu Chinnappan said...

thats a heartfelt one...
Keep posting yaar...Click 2 atch me thru my blog...

reNUka said...

hi prabhu! welcome home! :-)

REFLEX!! long time no see, as u said.
quote saar ezhudhinadhaaa?? thts great ;-) please keep comin up with such good thots! :D

Gladtomeetin said...

Yup Simply Superb ;-))

reNUka said...

welcome home gladtomeetin! :-)